

Happy Friday, folks!

I am so, so thankful that the weekend is near. I've been needing some rest and there will be plenty of it tomorrow. There will also be a lot of cleaning, too. The amount of my clean clothes laying on the floor in the bedroom is goosebump worthy! But before all that delicious rest and cleaning there will be GLORY! Tonight is one of the best nights for Atlanta. Flux Projects is this fantastic art group that puts on several public art happenings throughout Atlanta during the year. Around this time of the year, Flux takes captive a whole neighborhood, Castleberry Hill, and funds artists and spaces to hold an art extravaganza. There will be over 30 public art events/performances, street food, and even more glory. This will be my 3rd year in attendance, and I can't wait! I promise to be a better blogger and actually take pictures this weekend. I've been mega slacking off in the photo biznaz. The photo of my boots is my wimpy photo apology. :)

Have a wonderful weekend! Get rest, do something different, do something you love, be with people you love, and be merry!

p.s. if you follow me on instagram, you've already seen those boots. if you don't follow me, you can now! @ciarasames


  1. C,
    I'll be with people I love Saturday night ;)

  2. Ooh that sounds wonderful to walk outside in crisp cool air and look at art! I hope you had fun! I also own a pair of red boots and I think you might agree that they are power boots. I feel pretty super heroic wearing them :)

  3. Red boots are power boots! I can do anything in those boots! (and yes, I had a blast! :)
