Palomarie jewelry rings

If you've been paying attention to some of the outfit roundups I've been doing in the last few months, you'll know that I've been lusting over Palomarie's rings for some time now. I love rings, and I'd wear more if only my fingers weren't on the chubby side. Even when I was super thin in high school I still had little log fingers - you know, short and stubby! So finding beautiful rings is only the first part - I need to find my size.

When I came across Palomarie, I knew I couldn't just pass them over. The rings were just my taste. So I emailed them and they said they would make my size - just for me! I love my ring to pieces. Besides being a custom made ring (for $50!), the quality and style in person is fantastic. They also have bracelets and necklaces that are to die for. Definitely check them out and let me know if you're a Palomarie owner too!

photos by palomarie


  1. oh yeah! i adore that onyx one in the middle...neeeeed it! love the one you picked out as well, and good to know their customer service is so awesome too.

  2. Ooh, I thought that first image was taken in my bedroom, I have my jewellery displayed in the exact same way!! Spooky. I love rings too but I don't have good fingers - ha, that sounds weird. I can't believe they are doing a custom ring for you at such a great price - go Palomarie!

    1. Trust me, I get it! Like I said, I've got log fingers and I am completely jealous of people (like my sister, dammit) that have long, thin, beautiful fingers. haha

    2. Ha! me too, my sister has perfect hands too... but ours are creative, right?!

  3. I'm already obsessed. I may have to go out on a limb and become a 'more than one ring that I never take off' kind of girl! That one in the middle is calling my name.
