Hi friends and family - this is for you. You might have heard me talk about a 2 day internship and you were probably wondering why it might be so short or what it is. The video above was taken in New York of a Photoshop course for bloggers, appropriately called Blogshop. Two lovely ladies, Bri Emery and Angela Kohler started the course in LA and have traveled all over (even Europe!) with Blogshop. It is an intense bootcamp for people who want to improve their websites and design skillz. This week they're here in Atlanta and I'm helping them out. I'm super excited and I'm so glad I have your support and love. Can't wait to tell you all about it!


  1. Oh my gosh, you're going to do such a great shop! I hope you wear a monocle!

  2. I meant to say great job. But Blogshop was stuck in my head. So it should say "you're going to do such a great job!". But you're also going to do a great shop because it's called blogshop so even though I made a mistake, that previous comment still makes sense. CASH MONEY

  3. Wow! What an incredible honor, Ciara!! So glad they asked you to help. I'm sure you helped a ton and learned a ton.
